The LEOMO TYPE-R now has 6 sensor locations.
• Pelvis
• Torso (chest)
• Right thigh
• Left thigh
• Right foot
• Left foot
With the addition of our Torso measurement, athletes need to select 5 locations out of the 6 locations. In other words you have to decide which location not to use.
LEOMO recommends that athletes complete a protocol similar to the 20 min FTP test with Pelvis, Right leg, Left leg, Right foot and Left foot sensors to see which MPI is least important for you. Based on a test like this, you’ll be able to see which MPI is least valuable to your data-analysis. The Torso measurement should then replace this MPI.
Out of the first 5 locations, the most important will be the Pelvic sensor position because LEOMO believes that the pelvis is a core element of body movement. In the future, MPIs related to pelvic data will also be utilized for cornering detection as well as the detection of standing position.
Visualizing the MPI data from your leg and foot is key to determining which sensor you will detach and use for your torso measurement.
How do you know if you should use a leg sensor for this purpose?
• If there is left/right imbalance, let’s check to see if the value of one side changes which likely causes imbalance. In this case, you should keep the sensor location, and detach the other sensor (stable side). However if value of both sides changes, you should keep both sides.
How do you know if you should use a foot sensor for this purpose?
• If your DSS scores are large and highly variable depending on the protocol, you should definitely keep your foot sensors active.
• If you frequently see DSS scores of 0, you should then check Foot AR as a next step. If there is left/right imbalance, let’s check if the value of only one side changes and it causes imbalance. In this case, you should keep the sensor location, and detach the other sensor (stable side). However, if the value of both sides changes, you should keep both sides.
Overall, our goal for athletes is that they detach a sensor from the least important location and use it for the new Torso location. The least important location is in other words the position where your MPIs are always stable under various riding conditions, fatigue, power, and cadence.
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